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5G Opens Doors to New Vertical Markets

In a recent blog, Qvantel’s CDO, Ruben Lopez wrote about how the aspirations of service providers have become more ambitious with the majority wanting to become full digital service providers selling a variety of end-to-end services. Ruben also wrote that he’d led several digital transformation projects where the service provider is now a fully digital company providing everything from education...

The Emergence of the New Service Provider

For the last six years, TM Forum has published the results of their Digital Transformation Tracker. In this, they ask CSPs about how their transformation is coming along, what the main barriers to change are as well as what their strategic plans are. One of the key questions they ask is ‘what do you want to be?’

eSIMs – Delivering a Faster and Greener Onboarding Process

This article was first published in RCR Wireless.

When buying a new digital service, be it Netflix or Spotify, customers complete the onboarding process and then start using the service straight away. For the vast majority of mobile customers, there is usually a delay of several days between onboarding and getting to use the new service as the customers have to wait till a SIM card is posted to...

Where Can CSPs Fit in the Metaverse?

This article was first published on

Leading analyst firm Gartner described the Metaverse as the ‘next version of the internet’. In these shared and interconnected virtual 3D spaces people can work, play games, socialise, be entertained, shop, learn and do a lot of other stuff we do in a physical world – only it’s done virtually. 

How BSS Is Enabling Strategic Changes in Telecoms

How CSPs measure their own performance is changing. Over the last couple of years, new KPIs have started to appear in the CSPs’ annual reports. These include percentage of customer interactions through digital channels and revenues from non-connectivity offers such as entertainment and financial services.

Enabling Service Providers to Take Centre Stage in the 5G Value Chain

This article was first published in Connect-World North America.

With the rollout of stand-alone 5G, many of the 5G use cases and new business models that the industry has been waiting for will become a reality. At last, the ability for service providers to go ‘beyond  connectivity’ will be here.

The Need to Move from 'Call Now' to 'Buy Now'

This article was first published in RCR Wireless.

According to the European Commission, over 99% of European businesses are classified as SMEs (small to medium enterprises). To fit in this sector companies need to employ less than 250 staff, and the vast are described as micro-businesses employing less than 10 staff.

After the Gold Rush: Preparing for the Future in the Fibre Market

The current rollout of fibre networks has been compared to a gold rush. Governments and equity firms are pumping billions into new fibre networks in order to ensure fast and fair broadband access for all. New fibre network providers are advertising faster broadband speeds at lower costs than the incumbent operators. Some of these new providers are selling direct to consumers and businesses while...

5G: How to Prepare for the Unexpected

Our good friends at Nokia recently published the results of an operator survey on how ready operators’ systems are for 5G. They surveyed 100 CSPs across the globe to get a view on how 5G services for consumer and enterprise, new 5G business models, and revenue drivers will impact BSS.