News & Blog: blog (4)

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5G, IoT, and the Move Beyond Connectivity

This article was first published in Southern Asia Wireless Communications.

In Southeast Asia, 5G is starting to be rolled out and several operators have even launched 5G standalone (SA) networks. For most existing users, 5G is just like a faster 4G – which is good, but only when 5G SA starts to be rolled out will communications service providers (CSPs) have an opportunity to take a much stronger...

5G SA - How to Turn Greenfield Thinking into Business Opportunities

This article was first published in The Fast Mode.

CSPs can go beyond providing the high-speed networks on which the metaverse runs. Many are developing new 5G led business processes today that can be further developed and fine-tuned to support the business opportunities that the metaverse will open up to CSPs. The key to this will be partners.

A Look Back at CES 2023 and Forward to MWC – The Rise of the Metaverse

The start of January means three things: Back to work after a couple of weeks of over-indulgence, a realisation that MWC is going to be here sooner than you think, and also CES with its reports of the latest and greatest gadgets and tech.

5G: How to Turn Lab Innovation Into Commercial Reality

This article was first published in RCR Wireless.

5G labs are becoming very popular. CSPs are welcoming partners to work with them to come up with new ideas and use cases that will ultimately drive increased use of 5G networks and effectively increase their revenues.

Expanding on 5G Business Models to Open New Metaverse Opportunities

This article was first published in The Fast Mode.

CSPs can go beyond providing the high-speed networks on which the metaverse runs. Many are developing new 5G led business processes today that can be further developed and fine-tuned to support the business opportunities that the metaverse will open up to CSPs. Key to this will be partners.

Digitalisation of B2B - Small Enterprises, Big Opportunity

In this blog, Paul Gainham, Director of Strategic Marketing at MATRIXX Software, and Martin Morgan, Head of Digital Marketing at Qvantel discuss the next stage in digital transformation and why CSPs are now focusing on the B2B market.

Retail – Integrating Digital and Physical

Some people prefer to go into stores than deal with an app or website. They like to see physical goods before they buy, and they prefer to have their questions answered by a human being. However, most people don’t like queuing in a busy store, they don’t like when the sales assistant is lacking in basic product knowledge and can’t answer their questions. Getting it right can be tricky.

How 5G SA Opens the Door to Real-Time, Contextual and Personalized Marketing

This article was first published in RCR Wireless.

The marketing mantra of right offer, right customer, right time has been around for years, and in the telecoms industry offers have been relatively straightforward. Every communications service provider (CSP) has a system that sends alerts to customers (e.g. for topping up pre-paid accounts) and many have campaign management systems that send...

5G SA Versatility Needs BSS Agility

Visiting TM Forum’s Digital Transformation World event this week it was good to see the event busy and catch up with friends and industry colleagues. The last time I was (physically) at DTW was in 2019 in Nice, and then the focus was all on this wave of digital transformation that was going to hit the industry. It’s fair to say that since 2019 the rate of transformation in telecoms has surpassed...