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The Main Trends in Telecoms in 2024

This article was first published in The Fast Mode.

Generative AI was the big tech story of 2023, and in telecoms, we’re starting to see CSPs use AI to improve operations. Additionally, the need to move beyond selling connectivity is driving CSPs to change in order to grow, impacting the technology they use to run their business. In this article, we explore four major trends for the telecoms...

My API Story: New Revenue Streams Beyond Connectivity

This article was first published on TM Forum's website Ailis Claassen interviewed Qvantel's Chief Product Officer Mahender Nandikonda  about the TM Forum Open API program.

Generative AI and Telecoms – How to Best Navigate Through the Potential Trough of Disillusionment

This article was first published in

Anyone who has worked in telecoms technology will have seen new tech come and go. Some have been more hyped than others, and generally the greater the hype (and associated expectations) the greater the initial disappointment when the technology is rolled out. Is generative AI going to be any different given the amount of investment and momentum...

Faster Time to Market: The One Constant Requirement from BSS

This article was first published in The Fast Mode.

For years telecom vendors have been trotting out the ‘faster time to market’ line like a mantra. It doesn’t matter if they’re selling network equipment, BSS, apps, or cloud services, the ‘faster time to market’ promise is always in the marketing department’s list of benefits and promises.

Qvantel Showcases Next Level of BSS Innovation to Drive CSP Growth at Digital Transformation World 2023

Qvantel Flex BSS, AI-Enabled Customer Care Co-Pilot, and Qvantel Flex Billing Service show how CSPs can achieve new levels of agility and grow their business.

Helsinki, 12 September 2023 – Qvantel, a leader in Digital Business Support Systems (BSS), today announced the latest BSS innovations that it will showcase at this year’s Digital Transformation World (DTW) in Copenhagen (19- 21 September).

Want to Improve Customer Care Performance? Use a Generative AI Copilot

Generative AI is one of the hottest tech topics in 2023. In telecoms, several CSPs have already started to deploy Generative AI into their operations. Almost all CSPs are investigating where and how Generative AI could be used and consensus is that the first use of Generative AI will be to support customer operations, and specifically customer care.

How 5G SA Can Change the Digital Value Chain in the CSPs’ Favour

This article was first published in RCR Wireless.

5G+ and 5G Ultra are two of the names that Communication Service Providers (CSPs) have given their new 5G SA (Standalone) services. Having a cool, new name that differentiates 5G SA from existing 5G NSA (non Standalone) services makes perfect sense as for the majority of customers, 5G NSA is really just faster 4G.

It’s Official – No/Low Code Is “The Next Big Thing”

Ask anyone in a CSP what their top ask from BSS is and across the board, you’ll pretty much get the same answer: Agility. However, as the rate of change is accelerating in telecoms, agility is a moving target. Once a CSP has implemented changes to become more agile, the market has already evolved and so the CSP has to look at the next level of agility. There’s no end goal here. For CSPs, change...

Vision Pro – Can It Be Better With 5G?

Apple don’t make a wide range of products, but the ones they make tend to be very, very successful. The recent launch of Apple’s Augmented Reality (AR) Vision Pro headset at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in early June has therefore gathered a fair amount of interest and a lot of media coverage. One of the big questions is what will this mean for CSPs? Given that Vision Pro...