DNA's Digital Transformation Journey with Qvantel

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Qvantel is proud to be a part of DNA's continuous digitalization journey that has generated new revenue streams, improved customer experiences, allows rapid reaction to competitors, and has helped DNA lead the industry with the highest usage of mobile data in the world.


Creating New Revenue Streams Faster

DNA, a Finnish operator offering cable and mobile, fixed telephone, and internet services, is an example of a telco that realised early on that the only way to succeed in keeping up with market competition and changes was through introducing innovative cloud-based BSS (Business Support System) solutions. This has enabled DNA to digitally transform and generate new revenue streams by bringing forward new products to the market in line with customer needs.

For example, DNA has introduced a ‘non-contact’ product purchasing service, which digitalised the entire purchasing process. This means customers are not required to be physically present in retail stores and no manual work or paperwork is needed to set up a contract. In addition, DNA has enabled SIM-only customers to have faster SIM activation. New and existing customers have been able to activate new SIM cards in the network within 38 seconds of purchasing.

By digitalising its services, DNA has been able to react to its competitors and customers more rapidly. The company can now build, test, and deploy a whole new subscription model in less than 24 hours within its retail stores. What’s more, this also means the company can launch new campaigns in just a few hours if needed. This level of operational efficiency and customer service is what sets DNA apart from its competitors as the company boasts the highest usage of mobile data in the world, with more than 20GB of data per sim card in its network

Full article with additional insights from Qvantel CPO Jaco Fourie at VanillaPlus

Qvantel is proud to be a part of DNA's continuous digitalization journey that has generated new revenue streams, improved customer experiences, allows rapid reaction to competitors, and has helped DNA lead the industry with the highest usage of mobile data in the world.

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